Fotos von Priscas Tieren

prisca-smVor ein paar Tagen hatte Prisca mir eine handvoll Aufnahmen  geschickt.  Ich habe mich gefreut einige von den Katzen wieder zu erkennen.  

Einige ihrer Katzen:

Ihre Katzen die im Haus leben heißen  Suki, Mikie, Grube, Kim, king und Frances. Ich kenne sie alle und weiß das sie seit etlichen Jahren bei Ihr und Throwy leben. Kater King ist fast 20 Jahre alt.


Die Hunde – sie sind auch zur Sicherheit für Prisca wichtig.

Prisca schreibt:

my five dogs,barky,ito,belo,lotte,and dogs are the security inside the fence,they can roam around at the so rounding.The three groups of cats pictures the are the cats at the cat house.they have their own house and the have also trees and buses to climb and to scratch and shadow.Of course they are not living luxury even the time THROWY was still alive,but abundantly for foods.

I am happy now because i have money for to buy our foods and for my cats and dogs,my house fix expenses and slowly save for the repair.My feeling was relaxing of thinking where i got cash for my needed me and my love animals.Both of us are happy and smiling big.And always i thank you for the bravest act of help.

.Oh Angi, some time doc can not predict our life,when we have to stop breathing,THROWY’S doc tell him should be up to 70 years old, He was so happy his life was extended longer than his expectation and his laughing ha ha ha,me too was also happy, hoping too also to Gunther…

Oh i am sorry for bad feeling during cooled time now,November and December are the coldest month of the year? yes in Switzerland it is the coldest months,THROWY do not like to be there his spinal suffer more pain that he will cry and ca not move.
Wow i am envy to stummi and lizzy the live luxury but that is how the animals there living with people the treat like human.King and his companion living comfortable, the in and out of the house as the like,the house and the garden are for them the same to the cat house the can in and out to the ground and to grass and small trees .
Yes Angi my son now is permanent with me and the wife,with out him i can not do the work specially my both hands with pain permanent working,the more for the repair of fence is hard for me.Be side i need companion at the house not safe alone even if i have 5 dogs.That is the word that kurt tell to me before he was sick,my son and his family ,both of them are loving and caring to him and to me.he is also very close to us.Any thing happened to me he take over the house and take care what is remaining of my cats and dogs all things lot and house.
For all saints and all souls day,me and my son will go to cemetery we visits THROWY’S grave and my parent the have the same place.That is November 1and 2.his wife will be at home to take care of the dogs and the cats.