RE: A few comforting words of Anna

Ich habe die Nachricht von Anna an Prisca weitergeleitet worauf sie nun antwortet:


Sorry my respond to you and ANNA late,only i have one two days rest in bed for fever and head ache may be for to much work and we clean the place were THROWY dumped all his things that is not working. Some of that were things when we made the house were stock. All are dusty make me itch,many paints color to trow away other are rusty put to the garbage.
ANGI thank you,for the next donation next weekend.The most pity are cats with disability seldom people accept.Wow this is my word i say to Anna, she have a big heart for animals specially for cats, i am sorry because now that animals lovers likes those who help me now, they share cash for my cats, but the true, i really needs help at this times.

Thank you very much for your quote :yes i always pray,deepen in my heart,because with out this i can not stand on my situation. It make me strong and my strength. more and more, specially the courage that comes from ANGI,Thank you ANNA, for your sincere and heartily help to my cats and dogs.
ANNA,yes my thought is a always positive ,that i can do it because there are people that behind this that give me a big smiles and make me happy,and you are one of them,despite i have also my anger on my situation,which i am waiting for my money,sorry to tel you ,Angi knows these.

I have hope ,faith love,patient,for all these times. And i believe all will be ok, and through Angi you will know. I will not forget you ANNA and just call me prisca i am 64 years old.
ANGI, sorry that you have to buy a new laundry machine. soon also our here is near damage, hope this can reach next year. Here in my place TAGBILARAN no rain almost a month, some grass are brown and dry, very hot, the wind blows warm even we have shadow from star apple tree and santol tree both no fruits. Good and nice the sister of your husband visited your place. wow 74 years old here ..mostly not fit anymore or that depend on how the run there life style here, mostly i have seen the have knee problems, can not walk well and mostly can not work just waiting and dependent to there kids. Very different here.