Na endlich, monatelang habe ich auf diese Nachrichten von Prisca gewartet. Endlich hat sie die Witwenrente der letzten Monate in der Hand!
Endlich kann sie haushalten und weiß womit sie die Futterkosten bezahlen kann. Aber auch die sehr dringende Renovierung des Katzenhauses und der Grundstückeinzäunung durchführen lassen. Da hilft der Sohn und Bruder. Ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen, wie erleichtert sie war, als sie den Heldeingang sah. Sie war verständlicher, sehr sehr unruhig und hatte jede Woche Angst das sie die Tiere und sich selbst nicht mehr ernähren kann.
My Dear Angi,
Very good news…the money was deposited September 20 and arrive in my account 22 of September. Really fast.Your right no need the Iban, just my saving account and swift code then it work fast.True, Switzerland and MR B. G. do not know the problem plus our bank here do not care much the suffering of there depositor as long as you have no complete paper. I blame the manager but she said not her only she was not inform in manila for many reason then if it goes to other person. The knows plenty scam, manager has to pay my money if lost. she said tome .
I am so happy Angi,i can pay my borrowed money for four months ,the fix expenses of the house and the remaining it is our expenses for the last weekend of September up to the two second week of October the next money arrive. So many thanks Angi for every thing and your many friends who help me during my hard times. I will not forget you and your effort to find friends who have compassion and big heart….we continue our writing as long as we can still move on. LOVE YOU ANGI, with very active for in action, brave but soft heart for those who are in neeeds very badly….
Yes the cat house ,my son will help and my brother,but this will be start October,and little by little maybe two post, every month , i have to budget the money so i will not suffer for the foods for us and my cats and dogs. You know, ANGI, i cry for happiness when my money arrive that was tears and smiles of joy….So this situation will continue now, MR B. know what he has to do for to use to deposit my pension. I inform him so he will also happy that he follow the advice of the BDO manager here in BOHOL TAGBILARAN. He was not happy because THROWY’s friend in Switzerland send many email to him. he told me and he told that friend to stop sending email or he will file a case to him. he can do only if i have to give authorization with power of the attorney sign by me. That is a lot of expenses if i have to do it. So he stop sending email and really he got angry to Mr. B. G. and Mr Beat was also angry to him. Both of them were inform now for the good news. Both are happy, my problem was sold.
Animals Org.not working well here, many problems for running, or people that handle it is more expenses like there salary and the action is so slow than snails, it will not work the more if those people not animal lovers the will not care the problems of the animalsAnd beside, animal problems are any where in the country not just here in the Philippines but maybe here is more worst.
Wow it is scary, another typhoon coming the name Helen with 185 km per hour, i pray ,it is windy and cloudy sky not in BOHOL but in Batanes a province for the passage of typhoon. People living the place not afraid it is like normal for them.See you ANgi for my next letter.
Please also inform your friends that my problems is solve now my regard to them and many thanks always,so they will happy.
LOVE YOU AND MY HUG TO YOU AND THE TWO CATS,OF COURSE TO GUNTHER.SMILES, my cats and dogs are happy too, i give them bonus foods….
Wenn die Versenderin des Katzen-Newsletters aus den Urlaub zurück ist, werde ich eine Entwarnung senden lassen. Ich finde es gehört sich die Handvoll Spender(inen) über das augenscheinliche Ende der monatelangen Durststrecke in informieren.
Prisca schreibt ja das ich allen noch einmal ihren Dank zukommen lassen möchte. Sie war sehr unglücklich auf Hilfe angewiesen zu sein. Aber auch sehr glücklich das Menschen ihr, ohne sie zu kennen, geholfen haben. Danke !