Good by FRISKIE and Bambi :-(

Zu Himmel hoch jauzend zu Tode betrübt.  Prisca schreibt in ihrer heutigen Mail das Friskie und Bambi gestorben sind. Prisca konnte ihnen nicht helfen.  Friskie augenscheinlich an einer Viruserkrankung, Bambi durch Schlangenbiss.


Many thanks , i receive the money,3623.11 this afternoon ,and i am happy that another cash donation you send for my cats and dogs,have for there foods this coming weekend,as you told me to diet them for the mean time that the money not yet arrive. I can trust to my bank,the only problem is,there in the office of widow pension,the department do not know what was wrong ,why always return the money to there office.I am waiting to the email from MR .BEAT GYR .YES everything is delayed again ,no good news yet ,means not yet finish the investigation .
MY good news from you,and another good news today my sister in law let me borrow cash for to pay my electric bill so i will still have light and and can send email to you, if money comes in my bank i will repay her.
You know ANGI,sending money to me like the AZIMO LIVE CHAT my bank has no problem on line transfer all have arrived and faster all donation has no problem.YES i realize,your a FRIEND CASH,and the fact it is very true,i believe in you, done everything and i see it, feel it in my heart, it is real act of helping unlimited effort.
I remember that club four paws ,THROWY told me ,he was sending email for the dogs that the catch, after slaughter for meat and sale for foods under the tables,the foods is not display it is hidden,probably it is not allowed by law.Also the cats,it happen in Cebu,we saw in tv news,the restaurant have contact in many towns,and deliver in the city by bus,the cats put in a very very big basket alive,but the police catch, somebody inform because of the noise,meow meow meow.all cats were rescue even the is live interview showing the animals org.Cebu , here in BOHOL TAGBILARAN most animals the catch are dogs that roaming at the road,very pity if nobody claim for one week they are killed,since the government have no budget for the animals the catch.Government veterinary if you ask med. for the cats or dogs ,he or she refuse,they are not given med.that why if you request still you have to pay and buy the med. you needs.that is the bad, animals have no value because i would say people working in the government have no compassion.the look for there on selves.
Sorry that i write this letter 2 days because of the block out, the said changes of post and transformer, even the hotmailcom makes i can not access means i can not open my email, today i am happy all ok ,so continue writing my letter.
Not good news two cats died ,one FRISKIE she has long time sneeze on and off of course i also try antibiotic just very little food to eat,i give milk she vomit ,so sad i was not able to save her.The other one today he is not sick ,good eating,his Bambi,maybe we found a snake at grassy near the walling,of the fence , we kill the snake. maybe he was playing on that. Our grass is not long ,3 centimeter.the like to lay on the grass..Behind the the walling ,plenty big tress and bossy,and there is a big plant bamboo,own by other people. Cats place have also small plants that give them shadow at the grassy. One orange fruit tree but no fruits the climb and sharp there nails.
Thank you ANGI, for continue helping me for my animals,like contacting those foundation for the animals org. and those who have big heart even not rich but rich in there heart and there blessing. Who ever come here of the org.Manila,Cebu,or Bohol,all of them are very welcome.but maybe mine is different problem because this can be called private animals care,compare to the government that do not care the problem of stray animals roaming road hit and run by vehicles ,driver do not care no owner claim because there is law owner do not follow,owner are afraid to claim,they have to pay penalty.
I mourn ,sad, i cry. i burried both at the cat house that is there place.Hope THROWY meet them in the rainbow,and his there to care for them.
Please express my many thanks to those friends of you,who donate and share cash to me and my beautiful creatures cats and dogs.
THANK YOU ANGI, I called MR B. G.,last Friday at 4:00 afternoon,no result yet for the investigation ,he said maybe one week,to wait , my deep sigh and worry again,soon SEPTEMBER …unbelievable to imagines that way..

Ich habe schon all die Jahre vermutet, das bei so vielen Katzen auf relativ engen Raum kranke Katzen andere anstecken.  Oft die gleichen Symtome.   Throwy schrieb mir früher auch öfters das Katzen durch Schlangenbiss getötet wurden.  Das wiederum wird dort schwer zu ändern sein.

Die einzige erfreuliche Nachricht ist das Priscas Schwester die Begleichung der Energierechung vorstreckt.